A Job Interview is not Just for an Employer; It’s for You Too


When you go into a job interview, you probably feel like you are being grilled. Interviewers ask lots of questions, and sometimes dig deep into your experience and education. This can be a little overwhelming, but remember, a job interview isn’t just for an employer, it is for you too.

Job interviews are obviously a way to find the right candidate for a specific position within a company. However, they are also the perfect chance for you to get a grasp on the company, the position and what your responsibilities would be should you land the job. In short, an interview is the perfect time to decide if you would even accept a job from a company if you were offered one.

Go into an interview confident that you are qualified for a job. This not only speaks volumes to the interviewer, but will help you be at ease enough to get what you need to out of the interview. Remember that you aren’t desperate, and that you are allowed to ask the interviewer questions too.

The Nature of the Job

Perhaps the most important thing to find out during an interview is the nature of the job. What would your responsibilities be? Who would you report to? Is there room for promotions? Questions like this are definitely OK to ask an employer during an interview. They will give you an idea of what a day on the job would be like and whether or not you can picture yourself working at a company every day.

The Employees and Company Culture

During an interview, you can also get a feel for what kind of people work for a company. You will get an idea from the person you are being interviewed by, just by having a conversation with her. You can ask whom you would be reporting to, and you may even get a chance to meet your potential manager. To get an idea of what the company culture is, you can get a good look at the office and the dress code.

Is this what you are looking for?

In the end, you need to ask yourself if the things you found out during your interview make up the type of job you want. It’s perfectly OK to turn down a job offer that doesn’t interest you or won’t help you meet your career goals.

Job InterviewJob interviews are a great way to find out more about the company, employees and the nature of the job you are applying for. Use this opportunity to feel out the situation and decide if you would be willing to take the job if it is offered to you.

Jill Hardy writes for a student resource called UniversitiesOnline.net. This website is full of information about careers, education and advice for how to get the training you need to land your dream job.

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